The 3 P’s of Incontinence:
Protection– the first step in living with incontinence is understanding the need for protection; protection from fecal matter and urine can prove to be the single most important aspect of living with incontinence. As previously discussed fecal matter and urine can cause skin break down, which can lead to infections and the development of open ulcers.
Moisture Barrier- The daily use of moisture barrier is one of the best practices for those dealing with incontinence. Moisture barriers are available in ointment and spray form, the application of a moisture barrier creates a film above the skin that will prevent irritation caused by urine and feces.
Under pads- under pads, also known, as chuks are available in disposable and re-usable forms. An under pad serves as an additional absorbent pad typically used under an incontinent patient, an under pad serves two functions, initially it is used to prevent any overflow from a brief or pull-up. As a secondary function the under pad also protects the legs and lower back from any overflow and keeps moisture away from bed sheets and mattresses.
Cleansers- keeping a clean area is particularly important when dealing with incontinence, using a Ph balanced mild cleaner such as Aloe-Vesta Perineal cleanser safely and mildly clean affected areas and provides nourishment to the skin.
When dealing with incontinence it is important to keep your skin as healthy as possible, to do so follow these simple step to healthy skin:
1. Keep the skin dry- one of the most important aspects of dealing with incontinence is maintaining dry skin, as a rule of thumb dry skin is healthy skin using under pads, briefs and pull-on underwear can facilitate this practice.
2. Keep the skin clean- After every bout of incontinence it is important to clean all affected areas, the use of a perineal cleanser and wipes can assist in maintaining healthy skin.
3. Protect the skin- Incontinence bouts can introduce bacteria to all affected areas, the bacteria introduced lends itself to fungal growth, to protect the skin after cleaning, use an Anti-Fungal powder such as Remedy Antifungal. After powdering affected areas, use a moisture barrier such as Soothe and Cool or Remedy Calazime to seal in the protection and create a barrier for future incontinence bouts.