Often when life’s difficulties come around, we lose sight of the greater things in life, if you are a caregiver, this can come in the delay of a loved ones response to a new medication or even news of a worsening diagnosis. Difficulties come in many shapes and sizes, and their gravity or lack thereof…
Tag: Walker With Seat
Focus on the Family- Lemons Continued
In our last Focus on the Family we talked about the role of the Planter in caregiving, this week we will be going over the “Tosser”. Instantly this group is one that has a negative feel… to it, the term tossing makes it seem as though something is being thrown out, although this may the…
Tips for Daily Living- Smart Muscles
So you or your loved one has suffered an injury, maybe a medical condition has made certain movements harder…before we go on remember, persistence is key. The human body has a way of “memorizing” movements and every day tasks this is called… muscle memory. Muscle memory is nothing more than… the way that the body…
President’s Corner- Park Bench
Disagreements, anger, words that are better left unspoken…. Life is full of these things, it happens so often that our lives are driven by the hurts. Sometimes we try to look past the need for forgiveness and we try to live a life that is full of joy and happiness, but we can’t quite seem…
Tips for Daily Living- Move it, Move it Part 4
So the year has gone bye, wow 2012 was full of many surprises! This coming year 2013 has its new set of challenges. One of the greatest challenges that many people face is the challenge of mobility, over the past few weeks we have been doing a series on Tips for Daily Living entitled, “I…
Tips for Daily Living- Move It Moveit Part 3
So the year has gone bye, wow 2012 was full of many surprises! This coming year 2013 has its new set of challenges. One of the greatest challenges that many people face is the challenge of mobility, over the next few weeks we will be doing a series on Tips for Daily Living entitled, “I…
Presidents Corner- Carabiner
So often in our industry, we work with people who have reached a point in their lives in which things have radically changed. Many times it’s the loss of a spouse, a debilitating medical condition or simply the increased challenges of even the most basic life functions, no matter what the issue there is a…