Tag: Home Medical Equipment

Importance of Grip Strength for Seniors

When you hear the term “grip strength,” you may immediately think of rock climbers or weightlifters. However, sports enthusiasts aren’t the only people who should be concerned about their grip strength. As seniors age, it’s important for them to maintain their grip strength. Here’s why: Grip strength is important for performing everyday tasks Grip strength…

Advantages of an Elderly In-Home Spa

Nothing is more relaxing than a dip in a spa tub. For most of us, it’s an experience we have most often on vacation. For the elderly, however, having an in-home spa has a variety of benefits for relaxation, rejuvenation and health. Hydrotherapy, or water as a means to heal, has been used to treat…

How to Manage Arthritis in the Winter

If you have arthritis, then you know how difficult it can be to manage it once the wintertime rolls around. Studies have suggested that it’s the sudden change in temperature that often takes place in the winter, not the cold itself that makes arthritis so hard to deal with during the colder months. But whatever…

Relaxation Techniques for Seniors

Stress can affect anyone at any age, and it can have many negative side effects. For seniors especially, the effects of stress can take a toll both physically and mentally. Thankfully, there are many helpful relaxation techniques for the elderly. Gentle exercise Low-impact, non-strenuous exercise like yoga, tai chi and Pilates are perfect for helping…

Common Health Screenings For Seniors

As you age, the need for regular medical testing increases. It’s important to be proactive about your health and monitor any changes in your body. Here are a few common tests you should get done so you can live a healthy and long life: Blood pressure According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),…

Technology Can Help Senior Citizens More Than You Think

As stereotypes would have it, millennials are addicted to their smartphones, while their grandparents are pining for the days of the rotary phone. However, according to statistics this is simply not true: over 60 percent of all seniors use the internet or social media, with numbers growing by 6 percent every year. It’s easy to…

Fall Activities for Seniors

Now that fall is in the air and summer is behind us, it’s time to enjoy all the season has to offer! As you age, one of the most important things you can do for your health is remain active. So, here is a list of outdoor activities you can do to take advantage of…