Birds will soon be chirping, flowers will begin to bloom and temperatures will slowly warm up, which means that it will be time for spring cleaning before we know it! As seniors age, spring cleaning on their own gets harder and harder. If you’re stepping in to help an elderly loved one clean his or her home, it’s a good idea to keep a few handy tips in mind.
Spring Cleaning Tip 1: Get papers in order
Cleaning for seniors is about more than just sweeping, mopping and dusting. Make sure that your loved one’s papers are well-organized and uncluttered, and that you can easily find important documents like birth certificates and social security cards.
Spring Cleaning Tip 2: Include Mom and Dad
While seniors may not be able to perform cleaning tasks that involve heavy lifting or vigorous motion, don’t exclude them from the process. Give seniors easy tasks that make them feel included, like organizing clothes in a closet.
Spring Cleaning Tip 3: Check for safety
As you help your parent, relative or friend clean, make sure that the living conditions in the home are safe. Is the home well-lit and easy to navigate? Check for fall risks, like loose rugs or open extension cords. You should also check to make sure fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are in good working order.
As you help your senior loved ones clean, check to make sure they have the equipment they need. BEK Medical is a helpful resource for senior citizens and their families. We supply high-quality equipment that promotes health, safety and comfort. Give us a call at 915-599-1129 to find out more.