It is extremely important for senior citizens to keep active, however, many seniors have limitations that prevent them from doing so.
Gardening is one physical activity that can be very beneficial for senior citizens. Gardening can help get senior citizens outside, keep them physically active, reduce stress levels, and can help improve their overall mood.
However, gardening can be a difficult task so it’s important to tackle projects that senior citizens can easily handle.
Be Aware of Plant Choices
It is important that seniors, specifically those with health issues or physical limitations, have a garden full of plants that they can easily handle. Some plants and flowers are hard to upkeep and it’s important you choose ones that are pretty easy to care for. For example, choose plants that require minimal watering which some seniors might not be up for doing on a daily basis.
Keep the Garden Small
If seniors are eager to have a garden of their own, make sure it’s a manageable size for them. You can have an incredible garden even if it is relatively small. Consider planting in a container, which keeps plants and flowers condensed into one space which makes them easier to care for. This also makes the garden a bit more “mobile” and can be moved as needed to a more accessible space such as an outdoor tabletop.
Get the Proper Tools
Without the right tools, gardening can be difficult for anyone. Seniors should have sharp tools that will easily cut, preventing injury or strain. Tools such as a kneeler stool can help seniors kneel to garden in a comfortable position, and also have grips which can make it easy to stand up safely. Many kneeler stools also transition into a sitting stool, for when you might need a break or are tending to tall plants.
We definitely encourage senior citizens to garden, especially if they enjoy doing so. Visit BEK Medical for a variety of home medical equipment to simply your life today.