Life as a senior citizen can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to making decisions about things that were once second nature. Many seniors find it difficult to give up their car keys, and it can often be hard to tell whether or not you should.
According to Caring.com, your health should be the major factor in determining whether or not you are fit to drive. If you are suffering from any health concerns that impair your vision, your muscles, your hearing, or your ability to make quick decisions, it is likely time to stop driving.
If you have chronic pain, such as in your neck or back which can make it difficult to turn around, it could be hard to drive as a result. It is important to be able to turn around and check your surroundings at intersections or when reversing out of a parking lot, says HelpGuide.org.
AARP says that if you have experienced many “close calls” where you almost got into an accident, but ultimately avoided it, it could be time to give up your keys. If you find yourself getting lost more often than before, or if you notice that you respond more slowly to unexpected situations such as someone going through a yellow light at the last minute, you could be putting yourself and other drivers on the road at risk.
If you are a senior and you are still driving, make sure to have your vision and hearing checked regularly. Don’t drive if you’re taking new medication before you understand how it will affect your body, and make sure you get plenty of sleep each night which can improve cognitive and physical functions. If you’re unsure whether or not you should be driving, talk to your doctor.
Remember: we know it feels like you’re giving up a lot of your own freedom, but the biggest concern is for your safety and the safety of other people on the road.
For more information on finding independence at any age, or to learn how BEK Medical products may be able to help you, call us today at 915-599-1129.