As the new decade approaches, you may be inclined to make some improvements to your lifestyle. It is never too late to start a new habit to change your life.
There is no better time than right now to make a resolution. It can be tough to come up with a good New Year’s resolution, but here at BEK Medical, we have come up with some ideas that will make 2020 a memorable and enjoyable year.
Make Time for Friends and Family
Especially if you are living alone, it is important to get out of the house and socialize with friends and family regularly. Not only will these excursions – whether they are to play with the grandkids or catch up with a friend over lunch – keep you active, but they will also provide you with a sense of community and comfort. There is nothing better than spending time with those you care about most, so make it a priority to spend at least one day a week with all your closest friends and family members. It may not be possible to physically go visit them all, but a phone call in the evening or an email to catch up can work just as well!
Learn Something New
This year take some time for yourself to explore an activity you have always been interested in. Take a class, join a club or head to the library to learn all you can about gardening before planting some vegetables this spring. Staying mentally and physically active is an important part of healthy aging.
Get Active
Consider the new year a clean slate when it comes to getting into shape. Instead of heading back to the gym to do some activities you don’t really enjoy, consider joining a class this season. Whether you enjoy yoga, swimming or biking there are plenty of options to choose from to make exercising fun. You can even go for a walk around your neighborhood each morning as a start.
Read More
Reading is an excellent mental stimulation for your brain which helps improve memory, strengthen analytical skills, reduce stress, and expand vocabulary. Most people will admit that they don’t read as often as they should. This new year, pledge to read more books by starting off with an hour a day. This is a relatively short amount of time but if you commit to it, you will have read significantly more books than you did this year.
Go Somewhere You’ve Never Been Â
Traveling is a great way to learn about other cultures and meet new people. This year make it a goal to visit at least one place you have never been to.
Sticking to your New Year’s resolution can be tough, so don’t be hard on yourself if you slack for a bit. Just get started again and enjoy whatever resolution you choose to make.
BEK Medical is dedicated to providing home medical supplies that help encourage healthy lifestyles. View our shop for a wide variety of equipment designed to make your life easier!
Be sure to check our blog for healthy lifestyle tips!
Happy New Year from BEK Medical! We hope you have a safe and happy new year!