In addition to these precautions we discussed throughout the month, ensure that all soap, shampoo and toiletries are in easy to reach places, if items are in areas the require extending your reach, kneeling or bending reposition them, the ideal height for toiletries is chest height, keep in mind if you plan on using any type of shower seat you will need to keep toiletries at a different level. On a side note….
keeping a light on in the bathroom or adding a small nightlight to any space can provide additional visibility and prevent any tripping hazards that may not be seen in the dark. As with any equipment three of the most important pieces of information in finding the most beneficial bathroom safety tools are:
1.   User Height & Weight
2.   Space Measurements
3.   Frequency/Type of Use
By providing this basic information we can easily aide you in designing the safest bathroom space available, with over 20 years in business and a combined experience of 100 years we are confident that we can be your partners in designing the ideal bathroom space. Remember if you aren’t certain what you need give us a call we would be glad to schedule a Free in home evaluation of your living space, to us your safety and the safety of your loves ones is our greatest priority!