As you get older, it can become increasingly difficult to stand up and get out of a chair. Seniors lose a lot of the strength they used to have in their hip muscles and knee extensors, and as a result, simply standing up isn’t as easy as it used to be. Because of this, there are many people who get into the habit of trying to use objects to help them stand. They will latch onto these objects and utilize them to pull themselves up.
While this method of standing can be effective, it can also be extremely dangerous if you try to do it using the wrong item. If the item falls over or isn’t able to withstand your weight, it could put you and your health in jeopardy. Additionally, using items to pull yourself up will make you weaker over time since you will be reducing the amount of time you spend using certain muscles. This is why you should learn how to stand up from a chair safely.
To do this, you should begin by moving your bottom down to the edge of your seat. You should then put both of your feet on the ground and make sure they are flat. From there, you should put your hands on the armrests of your chair or on the edge of the chair if there are no armrests available. You should then learn forward and position your nose over your toes while pushing your arms down and removing your weight from the chair. As you do this, you should also start to straighten your legs before letting go of the chair and straightening your legs all the way. By following these steps, you will stand safely.
If you aren’t able to do any part of this process, you should consider obtaining a lift chair that will help you get up and stand easily.
Lift chairs are an excellent option for those who have trouble standing, and BEK Medical has plenty of them in stock! Call us at 915-599-1129 today to find out how a lift chair can benefit you and make you more independent.