Although many seniors experience foot pain and soreness, growing older doesn’t mean that your feet have to suffer. Conditions like arthritis, plantar fasciitis and fallen arches can affect the health of your feet and your ability to exercise, also increasing your risk of a fall.
The most life impacting injury that seniors face, falls are the leading cause of fatality in individuals over the age of 65. Even if your fall does not have physical repercussions, the fear that it causes can lead to isolating behaviors and depression.
According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, there are plenty of surgical and non-surgical options available to help seniors treat the disabling foot pain they are facing.
The risk of falling makes it all the more important not to accept foot pain, so if you or your loved one is suffering the first step to take is scheduling a visit with your doctor. Proper diagnosis is imperative when facing any medical condition. Once diagnosed, there are plenty of exercises and rehabilitation techniques that can be used to reduce pain while increasing strength in the foot and ankle.
Along with regular exercise arch supports, insoles and other foot care products can be used to help reduce pain and improve balance and gait. Not only will ending your foot pain help to reduce your risk of falling, it will also allow you to enjoy your life more fully. With healthy feet you can exercise frequently, spend more time playing with your grandchildren, take Fido for his daily walk and much more!
For individuals in search of foot care products and home medical equipment, BEK Medical can help. Shop with us online or contact us by phone at 915-599-1129 and work with a representative to find the right product for your lifestyle and needs.