Cholesterol is a lipid that your liver produces to help build cell membranes and make hormones and certain vitamins. Along with your liver, you also get cholesterol from your diet. Although you need some to properly function, too much cholesterol can put you at risk for heart disease, stroke, and other scary conditions. The key…
Category: Heart Health
Heart Disease Risk Factors Everyone (Young & Old) Should Be Aware Of
Believe it or not, there’s good news and bad news when it comes to heart disease. The bad news, obviously, is that it is the number one cause of death in the U.S. The good news is that while you may not be able to prevent it entirely, there are steps you can take to…
A Guide to Monitoring Your Blood Pressure at Home
People most commonly associate the month of February with Valentine’s Day, but did you know that all of those heart decorations can double for another celebration too? That’s because February is also American Heart Month! Heart disease has long been and still remains the leading cause of death across all genders, races, and ethnicities in…
Emphasizing Independence In Seniors
February is also National Senior Independence month, which means it is a great time to emphasize maintaining an independent lifestyle. Here are a few ways seniors can become more independent: Increase socialization– It is easy to get used to doing the same mundane tasks from day to day, but it is important to switch things…
The Importance of Heart Health
February is American Heart Month! With more than 67 million Americans suffering from high blood pressure, it is extremely important to pay attention to your heart health. Here at BEK Medical, we recommend using this month to make some small changes that can have significant results. Here are a few tips to help maintain a…