Category: Caregiver Advice

Four Ways to Prepare a Senior’s Home for Winter

As the autumn leaves drop along with the temperatures, it’s clear that winter is on its way. Is your senior loved one’s home ready for the change in season? Here are some ways to prepare a senior’s home for winter: Be prepared for emergencies When the roads are snowy and icy, it’s more difficult for…

How Seniors Can Avoid Identity Theft

Did you know that an identity theft occurs once every three seconds? Seniors are particularly vulnerable. They’re often targeted because they tend to have more money saved than younger adults, and because they tend to be less likely to suspect malicious intent when they receive an email or phone call from someone they don’t know.…

Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Birds will soon be chirping, flowers will begin to bloom and temperatures will slowly warm up, which means that it will be time for spring cleaning before we know it! As seniors age, spring cleaning on their own gets harder and harder. If you’re stepping in to help an elderly loved one clean his or…

Healthy Heart Tips

800,000 Americans died last year from heart attacks and other heart related illnesses…. Do I have your attention yet?  Four out of five of those deaths were preventable according to WebMD.  At this point I really hope I have your attention. Much has been made over the past decade about the importance of heart health,…