A chain reaction is defined as a process in which the products themselves promote or spread the reaction. Everyone has heard of the idea of Pay it Forward, the basic concept is you do an act of kindness, that act of kindness is forwarded and passed on through another act of kindness…
So many of our elderly loved ones need a little bit of kindness in their lives, think of it this way, what if the only time you got out of the house was to go see a doctor? What if every time you saw him he simply added more medications or added more unpronounceable words to your condition. What if you felt as if though you were a burden to your family? It would make perfect sense that you would need just a little bit of kindness…
Today, I want to challenge you to make a difference in every opportunity, not to receive anything in return, but simply to do well.
A few nights ago, I went out to pick up some groceries, while I was on my way to grab a shopping cart I realized I had passed a few people along the way. When I got to the carts something inside of me simply told me to stand there and hand carts out to people who needed one. Before I knew it I was walking by the store entry with multiple carts handing them to the random strangers that came to the store, many of them thanked me some simply took the cart. By the time I had finished there was only one cart left in the cart return, and nobody around that needed it so I grabbed it and went on my way, the irony is that it was quite possibly the worst cart out of the bunch, crooked wheel, squeaked like there was no tomorrow and had one wheel bent so every foot or so the cart thumped. My initial thought was how I had gotten stuck with the “bad cart” and given all the others away. It was in that moment that I realized the act of kindness is worth nothing if it doesn’t cost something…
So I encourage you today, to be a servant give of yourself even when it doesn’t entirely make sense, and if your act causes a sacrifice on your end, rejoice in the fact that nobody else had to take the squeaky wheel…
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